Protection du "hotspot" de la forêt de Wehea, en Indonésie, et de la faune menacé qui y vit.
Integrated Conservation (ICON), is ensuring the long-term survival of Wehea Forest, a biodiversity hotspot and home to some last and largest populations of rare and endangered species in East Kalimantan. Protection is accomplished through long-term engagement with the Wehea Dayak and collaboratively implementing a program that integrates research, education, outreach and development. This innovative program aims to reconcile endangered species conservation with local aspirations for social and economic development.
• Protect and manage critical habit necessary to sustain viable wildlife populations in Wehea and surrounding forests
• Reduce human impacts that threaten the survival of Wehea Forest • Delineate critical habitat and assess minimum spatial requirements to protect the biodiversity of Wehea and surrounding forests
• Network with local and global communities to help sustain the Wehea Forest conservation initiative
• Use Wehea Forest as a catalyst to develop economic opportunities for the Wehea Dayak community