Le Prince Philip, ancien Président du WWF (1981 – 1996) est décédé le 9 avril à 99 ans

Le Prince Philip est venu en 1988 soutenir le WWF France et les associations de protection de la nature opposées aux projets de barrage sur la Loire.


L’hommage de Martin Arnoult, Président de Rivières Sauvage  » Merci Prince Philip! »




Philip Mountbatten, duc d’Édimbourg, né prince Philippe de Grèce et de Danemark le à Mon Repos (Corfou) et mort le à Windsor (Royaume-Uni), est le mari d’Élisabeth II, reine du Royaume-Uni et des autres royaumes du Commonwealth… Suite sur Wikipedia

Le WWF International communique :

“A champion for the environment”

GLAND, Switzerland, 9 April 2021

– WWF International expresses its condolences on the passing away today of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, at the age of 99. His Royal Highness served for many years as president of the global conservation organization and was WWF International’s president emeritus at the time of his death.

Prince Philip was a pivotal patron of WWF, serving as a passionate voice, advocate and champion for the organization’s work from its creation and particularly as WWF International’s President from 1981 to 1996. In 1970, WWF established its highest conservation award, eponymously named the Duke of Edinburgh Conservation Award, to recognize and encourage significant achievement in the global environmental field. The Prince was also the first president of WWF-UK, from its establishment in 1961 through 1982…. suite ICI