Photographes animaliers

Edwin KATS

My name is Edwin Kats and I was born in 1974 in the Netherlands. I am based in the middle of the Netherlands, surrounded by forest, plenty of water and heathland. This offers me lots of possibilities to capture the wonderful flora and fauna close to home.
In 2006 I took the digital plunge and bought my first digital camera.. Although I miss working with slidefilm like Velvia and Provia, I got used to digital quite fast and learned to love it. After two years I sold my D200 for a fair price and bought the D3 because of its better noise handling and faster AF speed and most of all the 9 frames per second. My recent camera is the Nikon D4 and I love this full frame camera, buffer capacity and HD movie mode.

My main lens is the Nikon 500/4 VR. This is a wonderful lens with fast AF and soft backgrounds. A Gitzo 3541LS tripod and a Benro swinghead holds this combination quite nicely. Mainly I shoot from a self-build hide or use a camouflaged photography bag blind. I also use a floating hide in spring and summer to shoot waterfowl.

For as long I can remember I have had a close relationship with nature and wildlife in particular. Going outdoors on my own as a child was a big adventure because there was always something to see or do. Since 1992 I have mainly shot native Dutch wildlife but now I also like the excitement of traveling to other fantastic places in Europe like the UK and Scandinavia. There is so much to discover in Europe it will keep me busy for many years to come. My personal style is best described as one of preparations and long term projects and most of the time I pre-visualize a particular image in my mind before setting out and try to take it.

Well I hope you enjoy my photographs and don’t forget to visit my blog from time to time because it will be updated on a regular basis.

Best wishes,

Capture d’écran 2016-01-16 à 19.54.11

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Distinctions & Parutions

On a regular basis my work is published in various magazines like Outdoor photographer, Focus, BBC Wildlife Magazine and National Geographic Magazine and I'm leading various amazing photo trips for Natures Images.

My images are sold world-wide through the following International agencies: Nature In Stock, Wildlifebild, RSPB Images and Arterra.





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