Artists for conservation est une ONG Canadienne, dont la mission est de protéger la faune sauvage et son habitat à travers la vente d'oeuvres d'artistes animaliers.
500 artistes de 27 pays différents en sont membres
Through international art exhibits, collaborative art-science expeditions, annual festival, awards, publications, and online initiatives, we engage, inspire and inform the public, and empower passionate professional artists as effective ambassadors for the environment.
We dedicate our resources to nurturing our world-class community of artists, and leveraging this unique pool of talent to support our mission through a variety of programs and initiatives, including:
Engaging and educating individuals and organizations through artistic expression to convey the importance and urgency of sustaining our natural heritage
Supporting art-science field research expeditions to study endangered species and threatened habitats
Producing art exhibitions, special events, education workshops and publications in support of conservation
Facilitating member art sales to raise funds for conservation
Maintaining the world's largest gallery of nature inspired art
Recognizing artists and other individuals and organizations for their commitments and actions in support of conservation
Partner with conservation and value-aligned organizations for special projects