Photographes animaliers

Florian SCHULZ

Photographe animalier et de nature Allemand, Florian est le plus jeune membre de l'International League of Conservation Photographers (ILCP)

Son travail se concentre essentiellement sur les régions polaires

Born in Germany, Florian Schulz (36) is a professional nature and wildlife photographer with a strong conservation vision. In constant search for breathtaking images, Florian hopes to inspire individuals to take action in the protection of endangered ecosystems and wilderness areas.

As part of his Freedom to Roam project Schulz has dedicated years of his life to documenting the drama and beauty of North America’s most critical wildlife corridor: “Yellowstone to Yukon”. Sponsored by Braided River, his first book —Yellowstone to Yukon: Freedom to Roam (2005)—received the Independent Book Publisher Award:“ Outstanding Books of the Year ”, singled out as “Most Likely to Save the Planet.”

Images were carefully selected from his book to produce a traveling exhibit curated by the Burke Museum of Seattle. The show later traveled to Chicago`s Field Musuem as a 6 month solo exhibit. Schulz’s photography has also been displayed in museums such as the Smithsonian and the American Museum of Natural History.

Schulz is a recognized speaker in the topics of conservation visions, as well as photography. He has delivered over 70 lectures across the United States, Canada and Europe, ranging from local high schools and universities, to National Geographic. On the list are many prestigious venues such as the Banff Mountain Film Festival, the World Wilderness Congress, Microsoft Pro Photo Summit, Nikon Solutions, National Geographic Explorers Hall and many large European events like WunderWelten, Montier-en-der, Mundologia and Weitsicht with audiences up to a thousand people.


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Distinctions & Parutions

Honoring his commitment to conservation, Florian has received prestigious honors such as the title “Environmental Photographer of the Year 2010″ and “Conservation Photographer of the Year” by Nature’s Best Photography Awards and the National Wildlife Federation in 2008. His images have won recognized awards in some of the most important nature photography competitions like the BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition and the Eruopean Photographer of the Year Competition. - See more at:




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